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- mail at dharmiik [at] proton [dot] me
- i occasionally post in long-form at: https://dhrm1k.github.io
How did places like Bell Labs know how to ask the right questions? (2023)
Link: https://www.freaktakes.com/p/how-did-places-like-bell-labs-know
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43295865
Tracking Token Disrespector »
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**you have to be always drunk. that’s all there is to it—it’s the only way. so as not to feel the horrible burden of time that breaks your back and bends you to the earth, you have to be continually drunk.
but on what? wine, poetry, or virtue, as you wish. but be drunk.**
thanks to @ihabunek@mastodon.social
posted from #snac2!
ps: check it out at promocraft.xyz.
please dump any small browsers you know about, i’d like to try them out
the two i can think of are emacs’s eww and links (text mode). eww has been surprisingly useful, even without js support and extremely barebones html rendering
this is eww:
and this is links:
sadly, neither is able to login to lemmy, but I was able to login to mastodon through brutaldon
i used dillo back when i only had old, used laptops
That’s not the Dillo webpage anymore. There is a whole history behind this but the link is now this dillo-browser.github.io
The dev was at FOSDEM a few weeks ago too www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFJp8JDg8Yg
I think Dillo is a great project. The whole thing fits on a diskette. Crazy.
There’s NetSurf, which is really lightweight for a graphical browser. There’s also Falkon and Otter Browser. They are more capable, but use more resources.
Try https://piefed.social on lynx, I tried pretty hard to make it usable in a text-mode browser.
They’re not browsers, but if you want lemmy in the terminal there’s Neon Modem Overdrive, which also handles Discourse forums and some other sites. For emacs there’s lem.el.
Can add chawan to this list.
Is suckless surf small enough? surf.suckless.org
How about Midori?
doesn’t midori use webkit?
I’m… not sure, I’d have to look that up. I only know that it was the only browser I found in my Linux distro repos that I was able to run on my Atom 2GB RAM netbook from 15 years ago.
i haven’t tried it yet but offpunk.net looks interesting
Have a look at Luakit (but please don’t try to configure it – this is absurd!)
Can someone please, please teach me how to actually get up when my alarm goes off in the morning? Even when I go to bed on time, I end up sleeping in hours after when I should.
Hard to convince myself to go to bed on time when I know I'll sleep in either way. A vicious cycle.
@amin Same…I set my alarm for 8am and still wake up with just enough time to throw clothes on with haste and make it to my 9:30am class with maybe 15 seconds to spare. Happens if I go to bed at 11pm or 3am…
I mean, I hear my alarm, get out of bed, and snooze it. Then when it goes off again, rinse and repeat until I know I have to get up.
@amin I don’t even get out of bed…moving my phone would actually probably help a lot. Let me give that a shot tonight when class tomorrow doesn’t have mandatory attendance just in case lol
That is so hard. Over time, I’ve scratched and clawed my way through the Machine to where I almost never need an alarm because my work starts long after I wake up naturally.
@amin I'm not sure about your schedule but turns out I wake up best when it's at the same time each morning. Didn't figure that out until I wasn't taking classes any more and had a more fixed schedule.
It's the same time every morning, but that time is after 11:00. I'd rather be getting up earlier and have some early morning writing, some tea, etc.
I enjoy my days far more when I actually get up and work in the mornings. I just can't get myself to do that except when jetlagged.
@amin Yeah I've always been a night owl too.
@dharmik device motion event has rotation as well?
@dharmik hi dharmik, this looks good! consider putting the code on codeberg
Do you have installed any clipboard manager? xclip or something like it
one of the most fun moments was realizing that on macos, the delete key doesn’t actually send a delete key event in javascript but instead acts as backspace (been a windows guy most of the childhood and later fan of linux), which broke canvas element deletion. ironically, we used a mac for previews because of its good display, only to find out the canvas wasn’t working properly on it.
✨ Jammy Jellyfish ✨ . Where (almost) every day is like Valentine's Day. https://www.deviantart.com/sylviaritter/art/Jammy-Jellyfish-909329698 #art #mastoart #love #fediart
and i remember how great replit once was. you could just code, come up with a prototype, and share a link with anyone to try it. it was the real hacker era for people my age. there are a lot of people i follow from the peak replit days, and damn, it was a time. now they're on the ai hype train, making a service to prototype from natural language.
CatOS is an open-source,Arch-based,out-of-the-box Linux distribution designed to provide an excellent operating system user experience.CatOS is to arch what Pop!_OS is to debian/ubuntu.
Why Blog If Nobody Reads It?
Link: https://andysblog.uk/why-blog-if-nobody-reads-it/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42992159
Question: do I update my #Fediverse stock photo with this screenshot (it has the shortcut to #Friendica too)?
Disclaimer: Friendica & #Lemmy do not have official apps, so these are iOS shortcuts to URLs (of instances).
A reminder that this stock photo is for articles about the Fediverse, so it’s the most vanilla, KISS (Keep It Simple) version imaginable for people not familiar with the Fediverse. My *real* Fediverse folder has Ivory, Mona, Phanpy, Surf and Voyager.
Let me know your thoughts!
@_elena Great idea! I hope it encourages people to explore other corners of the Fediverse.
@_elena I think you should. If you can add PWA shortcuts to an mbin, misskey and pleroma instances it'd be even better 8-D
@dharmik@linuxusers.in That's a third-party app, they where saying about no official app not that there are no apps for Lemmy.
@_elena For what it's worth, #Wikimedia Commons items support versioning. This means you go to what you've already shared there, and you can upload a *new version* of the photo:
This way, you don't have to choose between two (or more) versions because they will all appear under the same item there!
@_elena Is there official Lemmy app on Android? Can't seem to find one...
Heads-up: I updated my #Fediverse stock photo, adding #Friendica (since there have been so many discussions about it as an alternative to Facebook). Here we go: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Fediverse_smartphone_apps_%28photo_by_Elena_Rossini%29.jpg
A routine reminder that this is to illustrate articles about the Fediverse and it shows popular software as alternatives to Big Tech platforms.
special thanks to:
@matt who touched up my screenshot to improve the appearance of Friendica & Lemmy
@nacly who told me that Wikimedia Commons supports versioning
@_elena @matt Cool! And here's the link to the #Wikimedia Commons page showing the metadata and version history of this #Fediverse apps stock photo: