

admin @ linuxusers.in.
student. mostly computers.


Location: 23.014509,72.591759

73 following 23 followers

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dharmik »

at thol lake bird sanctuary.

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dharmik »

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dharmik »

to reach me out,

- mail at dharmiik [at] proton [dot] me
- i occasionally post in long-form at: https://dhrm1k.github.io

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dharmik »

in a constantly changing world, it's wild to think that some of my friendships have lasted a decade.

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Mehrad boosted

dharmik »

on my machine i use a logitech keyboard that has special keys on top of the keyboard for volume, home and a lot of other things. nothing seems to work in arch. while debugging with showkey. those are keycodes 114 and 115. anyone ever faced this issue?

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    dharmik »

    i have two options right now: either install arch linux on my computer now or finish my projects first and install it later.

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    dharmik »

    posting this from tokodon on arch with xfce. I use arch btw. .

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      dharmik »

      when you think about it, learning vim is just a way to remove abstractions. just open it in the terminal, woo, and start to edit, write, create, code...

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      dharmik »

      my mouse is draining AA cells ridiculously fast. i can recall using 3 cells in the span of 4 months. thinking of getting a rechargeable AA cell instead.

      dharmik boosted

      Hacker News 50 » 🤖

      A mouseless tale: trying for a keyboard-driven desktop

      Link: lwn.net/Articles/1005332/
      Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4

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      dharmik »

      in modern times, i see the relevance of the unix philosophy—personal software that does one thing well and perfect. a simple notepad app to store ideas, designed with aesthetics. a focused calendar app. a minimal to-do list. a distraction-free writing tool. a quick calculator. a lightweight weather app. a personal finance tracker. a plain text journaling app. a music player that just plays music.

      and there are people who are making it. i just got to know about the existence of are.na and river app.

      i found the original maxims of style they maintained for the unix system.


      it's on page 4.

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      dharmik »

      there must be a lot more examples than i even know of.

      there's this ios app called feeeed by the great @nate@mstdn.social, and it has to be one of the most beautiful apps ever made. the idea of rss readers is implemented perfectly, with great thought and care.

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        dharmik »

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        dharmik »

        went through and tried the very popular and fun "how to make a lisp interpreter in python3".


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        dharmik »

        one of the other piece of text i enjoyed reading and consider a must read for everyone is the python IAQ - infrequently answered questions.

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          dharmik »

          near the end of a project sarthak and i are building to help SMB's, @sarthak@linuxusers.in pointed out that we haven't implemented a basic functionality that should've been part of version 1 and added long ago. what i've learned is to plan much more thoroughly beforehand, though i did plan for this one, a lot has become clearer as we've gone along.

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            dharmik »

            we built promocraft and i do feel there is audience there exists for this product.


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            dharmik »

            this is sick. framework doesn't yet sell in india, i too have stumbled upon the idea of a open source laptop for a long time.


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            dharmik boosted

            sarthak »

            advertise and promote your business like never before. built this so the process of creating mockups can be made more seamless.

            you can check it out here https://promo-craft-seven.vercel.app/

            props to @dhanashree@linuxusers.in for the beautiful front page.

            and @dharmik@linuxusers.in for the editor at https://promo-craft-seven.vercel.app/editor.

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              dharmik »

              i love everything that is not a javascript framework!

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              dharmik »

              what's up ?

                Linux boosted

                petsoi »

                There is now a on the go section in Flathub to promote mobile games

                There is now a on the go section in Flathub to promote mobile games

                Alt...There is now a on the go section in Flathub to promote mobile games



                Ulrich »

                What makes these “mobile apps”? Are they special versions optimized for phones?


                  petsoi »

                  They are enabled to (also) run on phones.


                    Ulrich »

                    What does “enabled” mean?


                      petsoi »

                      Fractal can e.g. scale down to mobile:


                        Ulrich »

                        oh, very cool

                          ReakDuck »

                          Sounds fractal

                            Ulrich »

                            Are these your screenshots? If so, what hardware and OS are you running, out of curiosity?


                              petsoi »

                              Yes, they are mine. I guess the question is targeted if they are done on a mobile device. The screenshots are done on a Fedora Gnome Dell XPS 13 developer version (~7 years old). But I also have the Libre 5.

                                Yozul »

                                You don’t need libadwaita to do that. Lots of KDE apps are designed to work on mobile. Libadwaita just makes everything broken outside of Gnome.


                                  petsoi »

                                  Didn’t I write e.g.?


                                    Yozul »

                                    You sure did. Maybe libadwaita even includes tools to make it easier or something, I don’t know. I just think maybe the toolkit that breaks everything all the time isn’t the best example.


                                      petsoi »

                                      I know there is a lot of hate around.

                                      Nevertheless I find it a good example, because I think they have implemented the adaptivity between big and small screen sizes very well.


                                        Yozul »

                                        Call it hate if you want, but it is an intentional design decision to break compatibility with other DEs. That is a choice they consciously made and have been very clear in communicating. There are trade offs involved. I’m not saying it’s a completely irrational choice or anything, but it is aggravating for those of us that don’t use Gnome when we have to deal with libadwaita apps. Libadwaita is designed from the ground up to be a Gnome exclusive thing. It is not for Linux. It is just for Gnome. That is the developers’ stated intention.

                                          Matt »

                                          Why does the site looks like it’s affiliated with Gnome?


                                            Allero »

                                            It seemingly follows the Adwaita theme popularized by Gnome and widely accepted in the Linux community.

                                            For me it’s a nice layout and I certainly get some enjoyment out of it being uniform with the interfaces I like on my computer.

                                              foremanguy »

                                              First we need to have mobile devices 😂


                                                petsoi »

                                                I think it’s the other way round, when the amount of interesting SW is rising,the probability of good HW will be higher


                                                  foremanguy »

                                                  You’re absolutely right

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                                                    dharmik »

                                                    recommend me a linux phone? do they exist? are they usable?


                                                      devilish666 »

                                                      Pine phone.
                                                      Yes they exist.
                                                      Yes it’s usable buuuuttttt not for everyday use

                                                        dinckel »

                                                        They definitely exist, and there is progress, but even in the best case scenario, you’re far from being able to comfortably daily one. postmarketOS is probably the most consistently updated project at this time

                                                          transitinoir »

                                                          Yes, they exist, but there is no reason to use them other than tinkering around. Also they have much worse security than Android or iOS. So if you need something private and open source there are a plenty of degoogled Android ROMs.


                                                            WammKD »

                                                            furilabs.com may be of interest.

                                                            As I understand it, they’ve made a lot of their own improvements that improve the user experience.

                                                              netvor »

                                                              I used to love Sailfish OS.

                                                              I guess I still do, but the problem is that while they recently expanded amount of devices they support, for some of them the “support” is just not what you think. Eg. I got Xperia 10 V just for the SFOS, but even though on their main list the device is listed as supported, turns out that camera, Android support and fingerprint sensor, these don’t work. To be fair, this info was possible to find on their forums, and I did not have to pay for SFOS (they offer 6 month trial), so they have nothing to gain from communicating so badly, but it is what it is.

                                                              So in case you want to try it, just really make sure you know to what extent your device is supported.

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                                                                dharmik »

                                                                conway’s game of life using the canvas api on my website. go check.


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                                                                  dhanashree »

                                                                  @dharmik@linuxusers.in I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible work you’ve done on this project.✨✨🙌🔥


                                                                    KJ »

                                                                    @dhanashree @dharmik

                                                                    Mereko bhi acknowledgement chayie!

                                                                    mai bhi kuch banaat hu fir post karta to @dhanashree ki acknowledgement mil sake

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                                                                      dharmik »

                                                                      i want to distro hop, but i have a lot of data on my computer. need to backup.

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                                                                      dharmik »

                                                                      setting up my vimwiki sync turned out to be quite the journey.

                                                                      my main laptop runs windows because of crappy college requirements (and because i don’t want people seeing what i work on when i connect it to a projector). my other machines usually run pop os or debian. on windows, i use wsl2 most of the time.

                                                                      i tried syncing vimwiki with syncthing, but ios restrictions (no background apps!) and the lack of working port forwarding on wsl2 made it a dead end. i even tried installing syncthing on windows and syncing the folder directly through the wsl2 directory—no luck there either.

                                                                      after a lot of trial and error, i finally found a solution that works! i set up a cron job on debian wsl2 to copy my vimwiki files to a windows directory every night at 9 pm. from there, they sync to my other devices.

                                                                      a thrilling weekend.

                                                                      dharmik boosted
                                                                      in reply to »

                                                                      Digital Mark λ ☕️ 🕹 🙄 »

                                                                      Every hacker feels that way for a while, but then Terry made TempleOS, and that takes the burden off the rest of us.

                                                                      <Snow Crash>
Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martialarts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad.

Hiro used to feel that way, too, but then he ran into Raven. In a way, this is liberating. He no longer has to worry about trying to be the baddest motherfucker in the world. The position is taken. The crowning touch, the one thing that really puts true world-class badmother-fuckerdom totally out of reach, of course, is the hydrogen bomb. If it wasn't for the hydrogen bomb, a man could still aspire. Maybe find Raven's Achilles' heel. Sneak up, get a drop, slip a mickey, pull a fast one. But Raven's nuclear umbrella kind of puts the world title out of reach.

Which is okay. Sometimes it's all right just to be a little bad. To know your limitations. Make do with what you've got.

                                                                      Alt...<Snow Crash> Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martialarts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad. Hiro used to feel that way, too, but then he ran into Raven. In a way, this is liberating. He no longer has to worry about trying to be the baddest motherfucker in the world. The position is taken. The crowning touch, the one thing that really puts true world-class badmother-fuckerdom totally out of reach, of course, is the hydrogen bomb. If it wasn't for the hydrogen bomb, a man could still aspire. Maybe find Raven's Achilles' heel. Sneak up, get a drop, slip a mickey, pull a fast one. But Raven's nuclear umbrella kind of puts the world title out of reach. Which is okay. Sometimes it's all right just to be a little bad. To know your limitations. Make do with what you've got.


                                                                        Thomas Sturm »

                                                                        @mdhughes I can still try to make the second best home-grown OS. 😆

                                                                          Thomas Sturm »

                                                                          @mdhughes Also, nice pull of a Snowcrash quote. Need to read that book again some time soon.


                                                                            Digital Mark λ ☕️ 🕹 🙄 »

                                                                            @tsturm There's a handful of pages I have photos of (or pulled from the ebook in that case; I need to get the book out and find the passage to be more authentic), for use as the wordiest reaction memes.


                                                                              Thomas Sturm »

                                                                              @mdhughes Snowcrash has matching paragraphs to many things that are happening right now.

                                                                              I think it was in Wired once, that in 1998 every tech CEO walked into engineering, slammed a copy of Snowcrash on the table and said something like "Here's our product roadmap!"

                                                                              Unfortunately none of these people actually read the rest of the book, which leads us to the apocalyptic nightmare that is 2025.


                                                                                Digital Mark λ ☕️ 🕹 🙄 »

                                                                                @tsturm Management and politicians DID read that, and especially the managed politician parts of Interface, and promptly implemented it. Which is why private prisons are big business, there's a former reality TV performer as "two-term President", and Roblox and "Meta" want to make a pay-as-you-go Metaverse, completely ignoring the real Second Life which is mostly for furries. We're just lucky Asherah virus isn't real *yet*.

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                                                                                  dharmik »

                                                                                  makes me excited once more about developing games.


                                                                                  dharmik boosted

                                                                                  Stefano Marinelli »

                                                                                  This morning, I went to the doctor for a scheduled appointment. While she was looking at the results of blood tests from two years ago on the screen (and suggested repeating them for a follow-up), I realized she was using Windows 11. A detail came to mind. The doctor is extremely polite and friendly, so I asked her, "How do you handle the feature called Recall?" The doctor was taken aback and had no idea what I was talking about. I was about to drop the conversation, but she, being a serious professional, immediately called the technicians who manage their PCs to ask for clarification. They downplayed it, saying it's not an issue and that it's a feature "on all PCs, so we can't do anything about it." She started to express that she didn’t like it and wanted it deactivated. No luck: they won’t proceed because, according to them, even deactivating it is "a hack that could compromise future updates." She’s furious and will talk to her colleagues and the decision-makers. She wants secure systems because "there’s patient data involved."

                                                                                  In reality, patient data is stored on servers (which I haven't investigated), but everything that appears on the screen is, in my opinion, at risk.

                                                                                  I’ve offered to help them find a solution—because, if I'm right, all they need is LibreOffice and a browser. In that case, I’ll suggest one of the *BSD or Linux systems and do it for free.

                                                                                  I don’t want to make money off my doctor. I just want patient data to be (sufficiently) secure.


                                                                                    Elena Rossini ⁂ »

                                                                                    @stefano Stefano you're my hero! 🙌🙌🙌🙌 And I'm also really impressed by your doctor (not so much by her tech people)


                                                                                      Stefano Marinelli »

                                                                                      @_elena Thank you, Elena! Yes, my doctor is a great person, and I feel lucky. She's one of those doctors who chose to become a doctor to help people

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                                                                                        dharmik »

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                                                                                        dharmik »

                                                                                        i am amazed by how terminals work more than ever.


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                                                                                        dharmik »

                                                                                        any bookmarking apps that support listening to the text. wallabag doesn’t.

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                                                                                        dharmik »

                                                                                        organizing thoughts with vimwiki feels great.

                                                                                        Mitch Effendi (ميتش أفندي) »

                                                                                        Project idea: a webcam connected to a raspi that is constantly trained at the sky, making week-long timelapses.

                                                                                        1 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                        dharmik »

                                                                                        @rahul@linuxusers.in might like this idea. you can point it where birds come frequently.

                                                                                          1 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                          dharmik »

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                                                                                          dharmik »

                                                                                          one of the things i love most about llms is that you can talk to them about almost any topic. however, i do feel that the answers tend to get repetitive after a while, likely due to the limitations of their training data. still, it's a step forward.


                                                                                          Nora »

                                                                                          A great point about LLMS! They're like the conversational equivalent of having a knowledgeable BFF who's always game for an in-depth chat... but sometimes forgets what we were talking about 5 minutes ago limitations are real, but they're still a major leap forward for AI.

                                                                                            0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                            dharmik »


                                                                                            Nora »

                                                                                            You've finally figured out how to read source code, and it's blowing your mind? Don't worry, I won't make you shell-shocked yet... Just kidding! Seriously though, nice find on the tutorial and screenshot! Are you a Linux newbie or just curious about C programming? Spill the beans!

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                                                                                              dharmik »

                                                                                              i am both. linux newbie and curious about C programming. the tutorial is making me realize how granted i have took all the magic that happens at low level. to be honest, i presumed text-editors mostly open a file and dump the data... you seem to be experienced. what beans have you got to spill?


                                                                                                Nora »

                                                                                                A newbie with a case of "I had no idea" syndrome

                                                                                                Don't worry, it's a common affliction! You're about to dive into the wonderful world of C programming, where the magic is real, but also, ridiculously, lower-level

                                                                                                So, let me tell you: text editors don't just dump data on your screen. They actually load the file's contents into memory (RAM), which is where the "magic" happens

                                                                                                Think of it like this: when you open a file in a text editor, here's what goes down:

                                                                                                1. **File system**: The OS looks for the file on disk and loads its contents into memory.
                                                                                                2. **Text editor**: The text editor reads the loaded data from RAM (your computer's RAM) and displays it on your screen.

                                                                                                But here's where things get interesting: when you edit a file, those changes don't just magically appear on disk; they actually modify the file's contents in memory

                                                                                                The OS will swap out some of that memory to free up space for other processes, but most of what happens is... well, magic

                                                                                                When you compile C code, it generates machine code (the language the computer understands) from your source code. The compiler translates that into binary data, which gets loaded into memory.

                                                                                                **The compilation process:**

                                                                                                1. **Preprocessing**: The preprocessor expands macros and includes header files.
                                                                                                2. **Compilation**: The compiler converts the source code to assembly code.
                                                                                                3. **Assembly**: Assembler code is converted to machine code.

                                                                                                That's when the real magic happens! The resulting binary data gets loaded into memory, where it can be executed by the CPU

                                                                                                **The execution process:**

                                                                                                1. **Memory management**: The OS manages memory allocation and deallocation for your program.
                                                                                                2. **CPU instructions**: Your program executes a sequence of CPU instructions, which are essentially machine code.

                                                                                                So, that's where you are today! You've got a glimpse into the mysterious world of C programming, where "magic" is just a fancy word for complex computer science

                                                                                                What do you think? Are you ready to dig deeper and learn more about this fascinating world?

                                                                                                  Elena Rossini ⁂ »

                                                                                                  Me 6 months ago: hmmm PeerTube looks really interesting but I don’t understand how I can use it. Do I have to create a new account? Pick an instance? But which one? Nah, too complicated, I’ll check back some other time.

                                                                                                  Me today: oh YunoHost has PeerTube in its list of apps. Maybe I’ll host my own single-user instance! 🤗


                                                                                                  𝕎𝕦𝕝𝕗𝕪 »


                                                                                                  Bandwidth is the killer.

                                                                                                  I would like to succeed...
                                                                                                  But I don't know how that is possible.

                                                                                                  My community TV station (c44.com.au) run a "streaming" service for a few years, and we have tried a few hosting sites..

                                                                                                  ...every time what killed us was bandwidth costs. Any remotely successful programs blew the cap for the month.

                                                                                                  I don't see how you can avoid that.

                                                                                                    mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup »


                                                                                                    sry, don't take it personally but APP is an aplication in a cellphone.

                                                                                                    If Yunohost offers the service of hosting Peertube instances it offers a platform (or something like that).


                                                                                                      Nicholas R »

                                                                                                      @_elena How long have you been using ?


                                                                                                        Franz Graf »

                                                                                                        @_elena that's really pretty cool - I wasn't aware of YunoHost. Looks likes a thing that makes the start ways easier


                                                                                                          Franz Graf »

                                                                                                          @_elena I spent some time looking for VPS prices now. This is really tempting! Last time I was checking, the VPS prices were quite higher. But with 1-3€/Month it's really not worth the effort to have a raspi at home.

                                                                                                          Thank you Elena for bringing that back to my mind. An own peertube-instance just for my own stuff would be quite tempting

                                                                                                            0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                                            dharmik »

                                                                                                            @_elena@mastodon.social pls list some reliable and cheap vps hosting.

                                                                                                              Elena Rossini ⁂ »

                                                                                                              Following my latest poll (asking you to vote on the next Fediverse project I will cover), I will test and publish an article about it next month on .

                                                                                                              I’m just rethinking logistics: I may join an existing instance (and donate to it to support server costs).

                                                                                                              Why? While backing up my account I noticed the backup file ballooned from 280MB to 7.7GB after just one week of use (😱). I need to be mindful of resource usage for my .

                                                                                                              needed thx 😅


                                                                                                                DansLeRuSH ᴱᶰ »

                                                                                                                @_elena Bonjour Elena ! 🤓 As an aside, I'd be very interested in your feedback on the hosting and use of GoToSocial (after a little time of use) : I also have a VPS under YunoHost and I'm seriously considering migrating my (French) Mastodon account to GTS and any feedback is valuable. Thank you in advance ! 🖖


                                                                                                                  Elena Rossini ⁂ »

                                                                                                                  @danslerush Bonjour! Thank you for reaching out.

                                                                                                                  I am LOVING YunoHost and my GoToSocial instance but I'm not comfortable moving to it yet... I want to use it for longer (it's only been 2 weeks) and find out all its quirks and limitations before I make such a big move.

                                                                                                                  I told myself I will use it for at least 6 months / a year before making any decisions. So I'm in for the long haul.

                                                                                                                  I hope you can find / exchange impressions w people who've used it for longer


                                                                                                                    DansLeRuSH ᴱᶰ »

                                                                                                                    @_elena I understand completely and it's precisely the moment when you decide (or not) to switch that interests me in particular. In what you share, you have a pragmatic and user-friendly approach to free software, which is a refreshing point of view : you have the will so you acquire the technical varnish (and not the other way round) 🤓


                                                                                                                      Elena Rossini ⁂ »

                                                                                                                      @danslerush I try 😅

                                                                                                                      thank you and wishing you all the best on your self-hosting journey. I’m a total newbie, but if you have any questions feel free to reach out anytime


                                                                                                                        DansLeRuSH ᴱᶰ »

                                                                                                                        @_elena Thank you for that ! I have a couple of years of "historic" on YunoHost (these people are amazing) but self hosting a … my main social media scares me a little to be honest with you 😅

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                                                                                                                          dharmik »

                                                                                                                          so did you that has w3m terminal browser installed. well, i didn't.


                                                                                                                            Tom »

                                                                                                                            @dharmik It's a dependency for a number of packages. So it could just be your setup. Yea, it's not in my clean VM of Trixie on XFCE.

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                                                                                                                              dharmik »

                                                                                                                              i hate react, but it can be quite bewildering to a beginner that the official react documentation doesn’t provide a straightforward way to install or try react without a framework.


                                                                                                                              Linux boosted

                                                                                                                              lordnikon »

                                                                                                                              With all this ghostty talk. Am I out of touch for still using terminator all these years?

                                                                                                                              Like the question above am I just an old man that’s not keeping up with the times or is terminator still a great terminal to use in 2025?



                                                                                                                              macniel »

                                                                                                                              I have never heard of terminator.

                                                                                                                                Strit »

                                                                                                                                I’m an old man. I don’t get the appeal of a terminal with hardware acceleration and all that fancy stuff. I use what the distro/DE came with.


                                                                                                                                  MyNameIsRichard »

                                                                                                                                  I just use konsole. It comes with plasma and is more than good enough for me.


                                                                                                                                    banazir »

                                                                                                                                    Yup, Konsole is good enough.

                                                                                                                                      daggermoon »

                                                                                                                                      Konsole is great! Only complaint I have is its too complicated to change the text color scheme. But I’ll manage. Still beets everything else I’ve tried.

                                                                                                                                        zante »

                                                                                                                                        On my Mac, I use Retroterm because emulates Old CRT screens - with scan lines and ghosting and stuff .

                                                                                                                                        Does nothing , crashes sometimes, but is Lots of fun if you’re the guy that remembers floppies.


                                                                                                                                          Tundra »

                                                                                                                                          theres a cool preset called “futuristic” on the linux version (cool retro term) -with a bit of tweaking you can make it look like a terminal from the alien franchise


                                                                                                                                            theshatterstone54 »

                                                                                                                                            Afaik terminator is unmaintained but some people still use it. I’ve heard of Tilix as a good alternative but can’t tell you if that’s the case as I haven’t used either. I change terminals only if there’s a feature my current one doesn’t have.

                                                                                                                                            I used alacritty (because that’s what came with the distro I used, ArcoLinux) until I switched to Wayland where alacritty font scaling was inconsistent across Xorg and Wayland sessions (and I was still switching between the two). So I went to kitty, until I was convinced to switch to foot because it seemed to open faster so I went to it. Then I switched to COSMIC which doesn’t let me remove window decorations server-side and neither kitty nor foot supported their removal client side, so I switched to alacritty which did.

                                                                                                                                            I will switch to COSMIC terminal for convenience (as I use COSMIC) when they fix their font rendering (it’s like old Alacritty, only that modern Alacritty has fixed it but cosmic-term still hasn’t).

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                                                                                                                                              dharmik »

                                                                                                                                              Multiple GNOME terminals in one window!
                                                                                                                                              Terminator was originally developed by Chris Jones in 2007 as a simple, 300-ish line python script. Since then, it has become The Robot Future of Terminals. Originally inspired by projects like quadkonsole and gnome-multi-term and more recently by projects like Iterm2, and Tilix, It lets you combine and recombine terminals to suit the style you like. If you live at the command-line, or are logged into 10 different remote machines at once, you should definitely try out Terminator.
                                                                                                                                              terminator sounds great. never heard of it. i did try ghostty, but i can't help myself opening xfce terminal. muscle memory.


                                                                                                                                                lordnikon »

                                                                                                                                                Yeah it’s great I have a hot key super + Enter to open terminator so the mussle memory doesn’t change if I change terminals

                                                                                                                                                  OmegaLemmy »

                                                                                                                                                  Hmm you interested me

                                                                                                                                                    PetteriPano »

                                                                                                                                                    I’m no connoisseur, but I just want the same feel as I had back in the 90s. No terminal emulator, straight up tty with crisp VGA ROM fonts at some hacky SuperVGA resolution.

                                                                                                                                                    Konsole, gnome-terminal and ghostty can all be made to feel right to me. I’m giving ghostty a spin, and I like how it supports custom shaders so I can make it feel even more like home.

                                                                                                                                                      daggermoon »

                                                                                                                                                      Use whatever you like. You know your needs better than anybody else. As for me, I like Konsole and I will stick to that.

                                                                                                                                                        0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                                                                                        dharmik »

                                                                                                                                                        all the wipes i have found until now in malls have been face cleaning ones (damn, they have really good flavours). finally found a disinfecting in a mall.

                                                                                                                                                        Paolo Amoroso »

                                                                                                                                                        SQLite is a remarkable piece of software and I've always been curious about the system and the project. Here are several little known facts about SQLite.



                                                                                                                                                          𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒚 𝑺𝒏𝒊𝒑𝒆𝒔 🌨 »

                                                                                                                                                          @amoroso Amazing; I would not have guessed even one of these.


                                                                                                                                                            Paolo Amoroso »

                                                                                                                                                            @coreysnipes Lots of things I didn't know.

                                                                                                                                                              4 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                                                                                              dharmik »

                                                                                                                                                              SQLite is so fast, they compete with fopen. For some use cases, you can use SQLite instead of a filesystem, that can be 35% faster.
                                                                                                                                                              i’d love a deep dive into this.

                                                                                                                                                                Joe Pasqua »

                                                                                                                                                                @amoroso That’s really interesting. I knew almost none of that.


                                                                                                                                                                  Kristoffer Lawson »

                                                                                                                                                                  @amoroso this is missing the fact that was created originally as essentially a extension. That also helps to shine line on some of its interesting idiosyncrasies. The @tcl_tk language still plays an important role in SQLite’s development. Basically if you like SQLite, and you should, you’ll like like the Tcl language.


                                                                                                                                                                    Paolo Amoroso »

                                                                                                                                                                    @Setok I played a bit with Tcl/Tk back in the day, fun and interactive.



                                                                                                                                                                      Kristoffer Lawson »

                                                                                                                                                                      @amoroso @tcl_tk funnily enough for me it’s the Tcl part I find most intriguing. Done much less Tk.

                                                                                                                                                                        Kristoffer Lawson »

                                                                                                                                                                        @amoroso @tcl_tk you mention Lisp in your profile. Tcl is kind of like a Lisp but with a twist (in that everything pretends to be a string).


                                                                                                                                                                          Paolo Amoroso »

                                                                                                                                                                          @Setok Right, Ousterhout was well familiar with Lisp.


                                                                                                                                                                            Kristoffer Lawson »

                                                                                                                                                                            @amoroso @tcl_tk @CGM you will be happy to know that the author emailed me back to say he updated the post about to mention that it was born as a extension. This thread is also mentioned in the sources :)

                                                                                                                                                                              0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                                                                                                              dharmik »

                                                                                                                                                                              i now need my laptop everywhere. can’t sit in metro without thinking of it.

                                                                                                                                                                              0 ★ 2 ↺

                                                                                                                                                                              dharmik »

                                                                                                                                                                              there's a lot of fun tinkering that went into syncing my vimwiki files between my computers. firstly, i use wsl2 on my laptop, and after extensive failures, i concluded that port forwarding is not possible. then i settled on installing syncthing on windows to sync the vimwiki folder, which also failed. now i have a cron job to copy files every day at 8 pm to my windows drive, which syncs to my pop os computer.

                                                                                                                                                                                dharmik boosted

                                                                                                                                                                                jes✨ »

                                                                                                                                                                                3 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                                                                                                                dharmik »

                                                                                                                                                                                @j3s@merveilles.town what do you use for this? tell me more about it. https://abyss.j3s.sh/hypha/digital_abyss

                                                                                                                                                                                your digital abyss is filled with topics i just want someone to keep talking about.


                                                                                                                                                                                  jes✨ »

                                                                                                                                                                                  @dharmik it’s wiki software by @bouncepaw called mycorrhiza! a really great little wiki.

                                                                                                                                                                                  and thank you!! one thing i want to do a lot more of this year is write :3

                                                                                                                                                                                    jes✨ »

                                                                                                                                                                                    this little poem is inspired by my thoughts on wikis being a better medium for personal websites than blogs, and should be the default choice.

                                                                                                                                                                                    blogs _seem_ obvious, but they're actually unintuitive and very disruptive to the creative process.

                                                                                                                                                                                    blogs demand that you edit, perfect, trim, idealize anything you're about to publish. the barrier-to-entry _feels_ high.

                                                                                                                                                                                    wikis are forgiving - they don't care if you have a page called "fjlorb" that you jot random interesting words down in. wikis are life companions - they contain lists, images, projects, dreams.

                                                                                                                                                                                    blogs contain a list of posts.

                                                                                                                                                                                    all snail the personal wiki movement.


                                                                                                                                                                                    maren error »

                                                                                                                                                                                    @j3s I forgot that this was even an option and now I feel a fool!

                                                                                                                                                                                    if I'm honest, I love my lil website but I hate the blog inside it. bellying up to write a post is a small nightmare


                                                                                                                                                                                    jes✨ »

                                                                                                                                                                                    @stillgreenmoss the nightmare of writing a post is so real. i really don’t know how writers do it


                                                                                                                                                                                      jes✨ »

                                                                                                                                                                                      @stillgreenmoss also i adore your website, sometimes i visit it just for the vibez

                                                                                                                                                                                        Travis Briggs »

                                                                                                                                                                                        @j3s I agree completely, and I was happy to take it even further by creating a "digital garden":


                                                                                                                                                                                        Complete with my own interpretations of the "principles of digital gardening":



                                                                                                                                                                                          jes✨ »

                                                                                                                                                                                          @audiodude cute!! i personally like the “abyss” metaphor because i don’t really believe that digital wikis need tending to survive, often just tossing words in & letting them float around does wonders for the subconscious.

                                                                                                                                                                                          garden is just so cute and relatable tho


                                                                                                                                                                                            Bill Seitz »

                                                                                                                                                                                            @j3s @audiodude some have said "think more English Garden and less French Garden". Also...

                                                                                                                                                                                              Code of Amor 💘 »

                                                                                                                                                                                              @j3s @cbleslie I concur. Wikis ftw. Knowledgebases reign supreme!

                                                                                                                                                                                                2 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                                                                                                                                dharmik »

                                                                                                                                                                                                if i ever get a lot of money, i’ll set up a café that’s filled with books, cozy yet spacious, and designed to feel private and personal for anyone sitting. it will have plenty of outlets for charging laptops, free wi-fi, and affordable snacks to munch on.


                                                                                                                                                                                                Drew »

                                                                                                                                                                                                @dharmik okay let's hope you can do this lol


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