

admin @ linuxusers.in.
student. custodian of useless trivia.
hacker. python. c. unix. vim.


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dharmik »

lj innovation week was more fun than we had anticipated. you can check out our project at promocraft.xyz

our css wiz @sarthak@linuxusers.in frustrated enough to use chatgpt and commiting changes directly to the production as we speak.

Alt...our css wiz @sarthak@linuxusers.in frustrated enough to use chatgpt and commiting changes directly to the production as we speak.

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dharmik »

there are so many moments from the innovation village i can muse about—realizing that image urls didn’t work on windows locally because i built everything on my linux machine and github codespaces, messing up '/' and '\'. maxing out the cloudinary cdn right when @sarthak@linuxusers.in was testing it for the last time in the morning. and discovering features we never even thought should exist until we handed it to someone to try—like someone asking to clear the canvas and us having no idea how it should work.

one of the most fun moments was realizing that on macos, the delete key doesn’t actually send a delete key event in javascript but instead acts as backspace (been a windows guy most of the childhood and later fan of linux), which broke canvas element deletion. ironically, we used a mac for previews because of its good display, only to find out the canvas wasn’t working properly on it.
