

admin @ linuxusers.in.
student. custodian of useless trivia.
hacker. python. c. unix. vim.


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dharmik »

in modern times, i see the relevance of the unix philosophy—personal software that does one thing well and perfect. a simple notepad app to store ideas, designed with aesthetics. a focused calendar app. a minimal to-do list. a distraction-free writing tool. a quick calculator. a lightweight weather app. a personal finance tracker. a plain text journaling app. a music player that just plays music.

and there are people who are making it. i just got to know about the existence of are.na and river app.

i found the original maxims of style they maintained for the unix system.


it's on page 4.

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dharmik »

there must be a lot more examples than i even know of.

there's this ios app called feeeed by the great @nate@mstdn.social, and it has to be one of the most beautiful apps ever made. the idea of rss readers is implemented perfectly, with great thought and care.
