

admin @ linuxusers.in.
student. custodian of useless trivia.
hacker. python. c. unix. vim.


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dharmik »

saying "yes, i am a person not wasting time upon" lowkey implies that anyone who spends time with you is just wasting theirs. this is so victim mentality. never make such a mistake—because in the end, all they do is sum it up as time wasted.

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dharmik »

i need to take this as a lesson and start working on myself. humans can be so selfish sometimes. but saying computers are the best because they never betray would be unfair to my true friends who stand by me regardless. i’ve never had to explain why we’re friends—we just know we are.

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    dharmik »

    always choose an abundance mindset over scarcity. scarcity breeds envy, fear, and competition, while abundance creates growth, generosity, and endless possibilities. the world often reflects what we believe about it—seeing only limitations can make them feel even more real.
