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A small set of questions will be asked regarding the installation, specially the host name it will run under, the local network address and port snac will listen to, the optional path prefix and possibly other things.How do i set this questions to run locally. Currently the homepage of snac instance loads on 127but when i submit it automatically adds https in the start.
instead.If you have a domain, it is probably easier to set it up on a throwaway subdomain so federation doesn't matter and you can test then kill the instance without the instance/user keys becoming an issue. Once it all works happily and you're happy with how it all works, you can then set up fresh on the domain you plan on using for real.
Or... There is an nginx template in the snac man pages (and maybe also the installation files), which could work if you don't want to go through that.
CC: @jase@tail-f.journalctl.uk @sergiodj@snac.sergiodj.net @mookie@shumai.xyz