is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

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Search results for tag #mozilla

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dharmik »

i didn't know has even discontinued the pocket chrome extension. i want a good read-it later bookmarking app. i like pocket because it recommend really good articles.

    Jason Self »

    I'm glad we have and so as to neatly sidestep this whole mess.

      Rusty Corgi »

      Me: Please don't use Chromium-based browsers, use Firefox instead. Google has way too much control over the web because of Chromium and they'll be sure to leverage that in order to benefit themselves.

      Chromium: Hey all, we're getting rid of ad-blockers because it's cutting into our record-breaking revenue! I mean, uh, we're deprecating Manifest V2 for, uh, security. Yeah.

      Me: See? Please use Firefox.

      Mozilla: Hey friends, AI is really cool! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we're making an ads business! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we have a ToS with either the most nefarious or the most incompetent language ever! *steps on rake* Also AI is cool!!!

      Me: ... ​ I hate it here.

        Jimmy Sjölund »

        With the latest debacle around and . How is this affecting ?

          Felix »

          @thelinuxEXP I really want to become financially independent from Google. I want a browser manufacturer who believes in the optimistic vision of the internet, which we had before unsocial media.

          But if they sacrifice this vision, there is nothing which keeps me at .

          Anyway, as Linux users, we should also not forget, that the Terms of Usage don't apply to us. We have no business with Mozilla. Our Firefox is provided by Fedora, Ubuntu etc. We never ever agreed to the TOS.

            Nick @ The Linux Experiment »

            I’ve been contacted by someone close to the story. They’ll gather some more info and we’ll record an interview to shed light on how this came to be, and what’s being done to try and improve things at Mozilla from the inside.

            Stay tuned!

              Nick @ The Linux Experiment »

              Quick, less edited video to talk about the and issue with their recent terms of use, and lackluster explanations:


                Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                Trust in Firefox and Mozilla Is Gone – Let's Talk Alternatives


                  nixCraft 🐧 »

                  Mozilla CEO made around 7 million USD last year, but hosting bills are pending. Now, they updated the ToS, and you can't watch p0rn, or your data will be sold, or they no longer care about the orignal mission, etc. Once again, we see C-suits lose their grip on reality. As long as they are getting paid in millions, software projects can go to /dev/null. It is like they want to ruin the project on purpose. There is no other explanation I can think of. Can you?

                    Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                    Mozilla flamed by Firefox fans after reneging on promises to not sell their data


                      Aerofreak | DE/EN »


                      Keep using it. Install a Pi-hole in your network and block everything you don't like.

                        Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                        Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                        Mozilla site down due to "overdue hosting payments"


                          Drew boosted

                          Justine Smithies »

                          Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                          R.L. Dane 🍵 »

                          I can't blame a single person for switching to a #Firefox fork today (or last month!). I may do so myself.

                          But just remember that those forks exist because of the hard work of engineers at #Mozilla (in spite of the continual idiocy of the management).

                          If Mozilla folds tomorrow, what happens to the forks?

                          Maybe someone with deep pockets like the Linux Foundation will step up and continue maintaining Firefox and keeping it up-to-date with current web "standards" (sarcastic laugh)?

                          It's not a good day for the free and open web. :(

                            Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                            Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                            Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                            Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                            Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                            James Endres Howell »

                            PSA: I have happily been using Librewolf (a privacy focused non-Mozilla fork of Firefox) for almost a year. Better defaults, user-hostile fuckery removed.

                            Try it!


                              Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                              Oblomov »

                              So let me get it right: shut down their instance and are now promoting that communitywashing attempt? Oh is also backed by that who can count as partners that same owned by that same that “has gone full ” allegedly triggering the FOF in the first place

                              What a bunch of

                                Hacker News 50 » 🤖

                                Orbit. Mozilla's AI Assistant for Firefox
