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Search results for tag #askfedi

Brian »

Curious what others think:

Miniflux has an option to share a link to an article in my feed. Instead of linking to the source, it links to a special URL that's public to my reader. Other RSS readers, like TinyTiny RSS do something similar.

It feels a little like hijacking a page view...? I'm not commenting or adding a note, it's really just a view of the article through my portal. Is there a norm for this kind of link sharing?

    Drew boosted

    midnightnettle🇵🇸 »

    I used to use this open source budgeting app on my android phone called IvyWallet. Great stuff. Need a free iOS alternative. Boost?

      midnightnettle🇵🇸 »

      Substack or Beehiv?

      No money, don't expect high readership, plan to move to a proper website if project sustains for more than 6 months.

      Would have used Buttondown but want to be able to integrate other elements as it will be multimedia project.

      Will be starting with writing only tho.

      Please and help a friend 🙏

        Brian »

        I could use some ideas on what the next project should be. These are first year students who have done HTML and CSS since August and have been building some apps recently using JS:

        - Product search page (filtering arrays, manipulating the DOM
        - Rock/paper/scissors (randomness, conditionals)
        - Basic fetch app (using APIs, reading docs, DOM updates)
        - More complex fetch (query params, saving to localStorage)

        Need a next project they can tackle more independently.

          0 ★ 1 ↺

          dharmik »

          on my machine i use a logitech keyboard that has special keys on top of the keyboard for volume, home and a lot of other things. nothing seems to work in arch. while debugging with showkey. those are keycodes 114 and 115. anyone ever faced this issue?

            Brian »

            Some colleagues and I are working on some lab procedures for high schoolers on the topic of climate change. In particular, comparing methane vs CO2 as greenhouse gases.

            I was going to have an advanced class prep CH4 with sodium acetate + soda lime, but I don't have CaO. Can MgO be replaced for that preparation?

            Boosts appreciated, thanks in advance.

              Brian »

              I can't believe I have to ask this, but how does one subscribe to Apple TV+ without the free 7 day trial? I used that years ago, would like to resubscribe, but can find absolutely no way to do so.

                midnightnettle🇵🇸 »

                Thoughts on and ways to make notes while reading /listening to a podcast

                Especially for those with adhd

                  thedoctor »

                  My codeberg pages site is down very frequently. Does anyone have recommendations for where else I could go for web hosting? I don't need much, it's just a simple static site, that's all.
                  #askfedi #askfediverse #webhosting

                    Brian »


                    Given an expression:

                    R = k * A^x * B^y

                    Where R, A, B are known and k is constant, taking the log yields:

                    log(R) = log(k) + (x * log(A)) + (y * log(B))

                    I don't understand why it is the _sum_ of the logs on the left.


                      Brian »

                      Gonna do a poll because why not.

                      If you're a or webdev , I need input on what to do next with a first year web development class.

                      We're working on JS. Just finishing up a simple rock/paper/scissors game to learn about conditionals and flow control & more DOM practice, etc. I need a next project that will push them a little and add some new concepts.

                      Thanks in advance, boosts appreciated.

                      todo list (map, filter, localStorage):5
                      dad joke generator (APIs, fetch):11
                      Something else (reply with ideas):1


                        Brian »

                        fediverse, looking for some help:

                        I have a spreadsheet with rate data from testing a new lab [1]. The iodate showed a nice 2nd order result, but the bisulfite is throwing me off.

                        HSO3- is confusing me. Warm had wide variations, cold did better. I didn't think temp would change the rate order, but I'm not sure what to do with it. Calculated cold ~ [HSO3-]^2, calculated hot ~ [HSO3-]^3.5.

                        My math works, but feeling stuck on why.


                          R.L. Dane 🍵 »

                          Hey #AskFedi / #HiveMind,

                          Is there an #fzf option like --dont-display-anything-if-the-input-is-a-single-line-just-go-ahead-and-pass-it-on-to-STDOUT?

                            Brian »

                            Does anyone have an iodine clock reaction procedure they like for AP/IB chemistry?

                            I've looked at a dozen or so that are a little too advanced. I'd rather not retype one if I can avoid it.

                              Brian »

                              I had my students do an enthalpy of solution lab today that had some _weird_ results - like, way off.

                              Our calculated dH for MgSO4 was -2.56 kJ/mol compared to the known -91.2 kJ/mol.

                              The bottle was anhydrous, but my guess is that the age of the bottle had some hydrate mixed in with it which reduced the energy change significantly? I'm at a loss for this one.

                              Any other ideas?

                                R.L. Dane 🍵 »

                                I'm getting the distinct feeling that my preferred #SimpleNote client, sncli has been abandoned.

                                That is very not good for me. I must seek to find a replacement for Simplenote that has a solid TUI/CLI, and cross-platform support.
                                I do not know of any others.

                                #AskFedi, any tips? I can always just sync plain .md notes with syncthing, but that has a couple pain points: phone battery life, and the loss of the ability to easily share a note with someone else collaboratively

                                  Elena Rossini ⁂ »

                                  Update: issue solved / question answered thanks to ✨ the magic of the

                                  @shalien wrote: Multiple hashtag usually do the trick such as

                                  @oblomov suggested using the tag

                                  @regendans recommended the Lemmy community

                                  Many thanks as well to everyone who volunteered to help answer my questions! ❤️

                                    Elena Rossini ⁂ »

                                    : is there a hashtag on here about technical questions that a newbie could ask – without judgement?

                                    Because I have SO MANY QUESTIONS (especially since I started my journey), I cannot find the right answers through online searches and I'm certain Fedi people could offer good advice... I'm just too embarrassed to ask most of the time.

                                    I wish there was a "hire a nice, trusted dev for 30 minutes" service, LOL 😅

                                      Brian »

                                      How do you go about a cleanup? This is not a redesign - more of an audit and rewrite to consolidate selectors that have sprawled into difficult to manage territories.

                                      Any strategies and tips appreciated.

                                        radio free fedi »

                                        If you can even attempt to pare down a favourite or three release, track, or artist you heard or discovered on RFF this year, let's hear it! Totally cool if you can't declare a fav, just share something awesome you loved from the RFF contributing artists: music, writing, spoken word, live event, all good.

                                        Give us an one liner why it resonated.

                                        Bonus for tagging the artists as a nice motivational boost!


                                          Brian »

                                          I've realized that I don't know what "good character development" means in novels. So, I'm looking for suggestions for novels which offer good character development.

                                          Any and all genres, boosts appreciated.

                                            Brian »

                                            Today's win: went and got an indoor exercise bike for a great deal and discovered a wahoo cadence Bluetooth sensor on the crank that the seller didn't notice.

                                            Anyone have recommendations for FOSS cycling apps it can be paired with to track indoor rides?

                                              notptr boosted

                                              Elena Rossini ⁂ »

                                              : are there any power users out there, willing to speak to me for a piece I’m writing about the software?

                                              Spoiler alert: I have been using for two months now and I am totally smitten with it, especially its gorgeous UX/UI.

                                              Bonus points if you also use / are familiar with , so we could compare/contrast features.

                                              Boosts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 🙏

                                                Brian »

                                                I need to get my wife a new phone. Her old iPhone 6S has finished it's second battery and is not receiving updates anymore and now apps are starting to not even work on it. I hate to give up on it because I can replace a battery and it still works, but the iOS update makes it not worth the effort..

                                                What's the next iPhone version still getting updates that isn't the size of an aircraft carrier?

                                                  Brian »

                                                  Anyone have charting/graphing libraries they like these days? I've done some building with matplotlib returning SVG charts, but no interactive components.

                                                  I've not looked deeply into JS charting options, so I'm curious to know what works well for lite applications.

                                                    Brian »

                                                    My wife and I are looking for an indoor bike trainer. I found a used Bkool Smart Go for a good price. Some questions:

                                                    Can it be used without a paid Bkool subscription?
                                                    Will it link to Strava? Can't seem to find a good answer.

                                                      Brian »

                                                      Chemistry teachers of the fediverse - how do you produce or procure distilled water?

                                                      We have a countertop still that I run for about a week each month to top off a carboy. I'm sparing when washing dishes because of this, so I have stray ions.

                                                      Does anyone have a plumbed-in still they like? We may be able to upgrade next year and I'm looking for recs.

                                                        Brian »

                                                        I'm trying to revive a piece of lab equipment. It has a 250V glass line fuse that blows when switched on.

                                                        The sticker says it runs 200W, 120V, and 2.5 amps. Is this either because the fuse is too small for the power use or an indicator that there's a short somewhere in the controls?

                                                          Brian »

                                                          I'm asking a lot these days, but another question for the masses:

                                                          My HS web dev class is ready for a Javascript intro. I'm torn between:

                                                          - teaching the DOM and scaffolding off their HTML and CSS experience, or
                                                          - starting from the basics with variables, loops, and conditionals and work up to DOM interaction.

                                                          Any thoughts on pros/cons of each? Thanks in advance and feel free to boost for reach.